The Snod

This is a blog about life, politics, and anything else I feel like writing about. It's named "The Snod" because that's a nickname someone gave me in school based on my last name.

Monday, July 16, 2007

El Salvador

El Salvador... I´m here with the Peace Corps. I realized that I probably never would have travelled to El Salvador if the Peace Corps had not sent me here. I anticipated some of the differences between here and the USA, such as the language (I´m immersed in Spanish) and limited internet access here. But I was hoping for the best, and after living here a month I realized I want more for the people than they want for themselves. It seems like most people here are content to live without air conditioning, home internet access, flush toilets, and many other conveniences common to the USA.

Some Salvadorans journey to the USA in search of opportunities to better provide for their families. Almost everyone in El Salvador has a friend or family in the USA. I believe most other countries in which the Peace Corps operates do not have as many people in the USA as El Salvador does. So that adds an interesting aspect to my Peace Corps experience. I´ve been able to witness the immigration debate from both sides of the border. I´ve spoken with people here who were refused visas to the USA and other people who have unsuccessfully attempted to enter the USA illegally. Salvadorans immigrate to the USA to work because making $8 an hour in the USA is considerably better than making $4 a day here in El Salvador. I might do the same thing if I were Salvadoran.

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