The Snod

This is a blog about life, politics, and anything else I feel like writing about. It's named "The Snod" because that's a nickname someone gave me in school based on my last name.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Future?

Here's a "New York Times" article about the growing use of cellphone-readable bar codes. This is already popular in some other countries, like Japan. Basically, imagine bar codes on everything (a prescription for medicine, a movie ticket, a magazine ad, a billboard, a web site, etc.) that can be read by your cellphone (via its camera). When you make your cellphone read a bar code, your cellphone will display information (like text or video) regarding whatever has the bar code. Summarily, much more information (the text and videos on your cellphone) will be more easily accessible while taking up less space (just a printed bar code and the information linked to it stored in a server somewhere).

It seems like a good idea to me - interfacing with the world using our cellphones. Maybe someday technology will become so advanced that we will interface with a virtual world using a surgically implanted plug at the base of our necks. Oh wait, that's "The Matrix" :P

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Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds like a neat idea...but I pity the person who loses their cellphone, has it stolen, or breaks it and can't get an immediate replacement.

Fri Apr 20, 03:20:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Troy said...

True, and I pity the person who loses their keys, wallet, ID, credit card, etc.

Sat Apr 21, 11:33:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

Indeed...but this would be like losing/ breaking a cellphone and computer both at once.

And while the chances of losing a wallet or key or ID or credit card may be unfavorably high by comparison to the chances of losing a cell phone, I've yet to see a broken wallet or ID cause the level of suffering incurred by a dropped cellphone.

Tue Apr 24, 11:21:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Troy said...

"Do you know what's worse than dropping your cellphone??? Dropping your cellphone in HOT LAVA!!!!! That's why I don't live in Hawaii; I love my cellphone too much."
- teenybopper

Fri Apr 27, 12:43:00 AM EDT  

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