The Snod

This is a blog about life, politics, and anything else I feel like writing about. It's named "The Snod" because that's a nickname someone gave me in school based on my last name.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Holidays!

I wanted to write a post to wish everyone happy holidays. So here it is: happy holidays!

I feel older at New Year than I do on my birthday. That doesn't make sense, but some things in life don't.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Snod Triumphantly Returns

I'm changing the name of this blog back to "The Snod" since I've failed to think of a better name for it. I changed the name from "The Snod" to "Blog by Troy" because I thought "The Snod" seemed too silly. But "Blog by Troy" lacked creativity and seemed too stupid. I'd rather this blog have a silly name than a stupid name. So The Snod is back... again.

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Friday, December 07, 2007

Pizza in the Driveway

Yesterday morning I looked out the kitchen window and saw a slice of pepperoni pizza in the driveway. I thought to myself, "what on earth is a slice of pizza doing in the driveway???"

Then the mystery deepened... actually, it didn't. Later in the day I asked my mom about it. She said that she had put the pizza in the yard for animals to eat because it was too old. Something (more likely animal than alien) had moved it onto the driveway.

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